our hope

Let's be honest, we all face seasons of pain, difficulty, frustration, confusion, and anger about the circumstances in our lives.  Some more than others.  But in the end, no one is exempt from the brokenness of this world.  At Hope City, we don't shy away from that pain or sweep it under the rug.  We fully recognize the reality of the struggles throughout this journey called life.

But in the midst of that all that brokenness, we cling to, are confident of, and rest in the fact that because of Jesus, we are walking hand in hand with a God who is far greater than any of our circumstances, no matter how impossible they may seem, and we trust that He has our best interest at heart.

This is the source of our hope.

"I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world."

Psalm 147:3

our mission

Hope City has one simple, yet distinct heartbeat:


Whether you find yourself in a broken marriage, a broken home, have broken relationships, or even a broken relationship with God, you can find hope here. And having imperfections, struggles, doubts, and fractures in your life doesn't disqualify you from that.

In fact, they're almost a pre-requisite.  

See, we believe discovering and living under the grace of God found in Jesus has the capacity to deliver hope, healing, and restoration to the brokenness in our lives. So, our heart is to find broken people, and help them begin to finally live the way they were always created to live...with HOPE.

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