birth-5th grade

Hope City Kids is a children's ministry uniquely designed with your child's age and attention span in mind!

Kids (birth through fifth grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and fun way. Once you check your child in and drop them off, they will experience a world where they can encounter Jesus on their level!  

The goal of Hope City Kids' Pre-K program is for kids to head into elementary school knowing:

God made them.

God loves them.

God wants to be their friend.

The goal of Hope City Kids' K-5 program is for kids to head into middle school knowing:

I always need to make the wise choice.

I can trust God no matter what.

I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

HCK is available during each of our Sunday worship experiences. We are so passionate about kids learning about Jesus in a way THEY can understand that we encourage parents NOT to bring them into the adult worship experience designed for adults and students 6th grade and older. However, we know you are the parent, and you know best. We trust your judgement.

For more information, you can contact our HCK Program Director Nicole Johnson.

middle & high school

Hope City Students is certainly not your traditional youth group. At Hope City, we don't believe middle and high school students are the church of tomorrow. Rather, they are an ACTIVE part of the church of today. That's why we ask them to be a part of the very same things the rest of our church is a part of. We want students to actively engage in worship during our services and be intentional about inviting their friends to join them. We want students to be consistently involved in age-specific LifeGroups, where they can engage in meaningful discussions about topics relevant to their stage of life. Finally, we want them serving and investing in something bigger than themselves by serving inside and outside the walls of the church.

Four times a year, our student LifeGroups all gather together with other student ministries in our community for a United worship gathering designed specifically for them. They also engage in combined getaways and camps. But outside of those special gatherings, ALL of the relationships we value as a church are fostered for teens inside their LifeGroups.

Our goal is for students to walk away valuing:

-Authentic Faith

-Spiritual Disciplines

-Moral Boundaries

-Meaningful Friendships

-Wise Decision Making

-Authority in Life

-Serving Others

For a look at what our student small groups will be diving into in 2016, CLICK HERE.

To download our student summer camp registration sheet, CLICK HERE.