circles...not rows.

Church is about so much more than sitting in buildings or services; at the core, church is about people. At Hope City Church, we want to make sure that you have the opportunity to connect with some friends on the same circles, not just rows. 

Life Groups are groups of 12-18 people that meet in homes, coffee shops, restaurants, or the church facility on various days and times...all around the city. Each semester, they intentionally and strategically serve the community together, help each other through life, and apply the bible to their lives together.

It's very easy to get involved. Life Groups run in two formats. The first and primary format is in 12 month semesters beginning in September and February.  But there are also short term (8-10 week) semesters available for specific topics and purposes running throughout the year.  So, you're never more than a month or two away from some form of Life Group Signups. Groups fill up fast, so sign up today!

Joining a group is easy! To sign up for a group, simply browse the catalog linked above, then you can write the group number on your connection card on a Sunday morning, OR simply CLICK HERE to search for and register for a group online.